Life is hard. God is good.

Life is hard. God is good.

How can these two things both be true?

I don't know, but when you ask God about it, He can help you understand.

Scott and I have been a little low on the monies lately. He's about to be an English teacher at Birdville High school (Go hawks!) but those paychecks don't start coming in for a little while longer. And although I have the best job ever, I'm not raking in the dough.

We got a little stressed a few nights ago wondering how everything is going to work out.

I threw up a quick prayer that went something like this, "God, would you please give us a little bit of hope?"

After we had just decided to stay in for the evening and come up with an interesting meal made out of things we have in the pantry, my parents call and say, "Hey, we want you guys to go to the movies tonight on us. Go have fun and we'll pay you back later."

SWEET DEAL! Let's go see The Campaign (though I cannot endorse this movie, it IS a hilarious take on American politics. "America. Jesus. Freedom.").

The next morning I wake up and go to work (which is easy to do when you get to make CUPCAKES!! I saw a quote today that said "Find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life." That's me right now, and I'm so thankful).

So anyways, one of my sweet co-workers and I had our usual conversation around lunchtime.

Her: "What'd ya bring for lunch today?"

Me: "Sawich."

Her: "Hmph. Ya..."

Her: "Alright I'm buying lunch today. Whaddaya want?"

After me insisting she doesn't have to (which, by the way, why do we always reject things like this when someone offers to be nice?? Does it ever change their minds? No. Just be happy and smile), she buys me not just ANY lunch, but SUSHI!!! One of my FAVORITE THINGS!

After lunch, a friend texts me and asks if me and the hubs wanna hang out and go to Mellow Mushroom (YUM).

I say, hey, that sounds AWESOME, but we are broke as a joke right now. We'll eat dinner beforehand and meet up with y'all.

Next text: We want to buy tonight. It's our "Scott's becoming a teacher" celebration dinner.

My text, of course: Y'all do NOT have to do that!

Their text: We did not ASK, we are TELLING you.

End result: Free Mellow Mushroom pizza (and drinks!) and an awesome evening with friends.

PS: Did I mention that another friend gave us a little extra cash on this same day without us even asking? And my parents gave us a little more than the movie tickets actually costed, because they're my parents.

Lessons learned:

1. God always hears our prayers and He knows how to take care of us.

2. Be vulnerable. Talk about what you're going through with your friends. Although it can be hard to admit (i.e. us being low on money), people care about other people and like to help out when they can. And it has made Scott and me excited to be able to help our friends out in the future.

3. The Campaign would have been funnier if they just filmed Zach Galifianakis and Will Ferrell ad-libbing for a day. Those guys crack me up.

Life is hard. God is good. JBR.


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