My Conflict with Resolutions

Some observations.

1. New Years Resolutions are notorious for packing out gyms and boosting diet program sales across the country for about.... a month (and that's if you're really motivated!).

2. We tend to make a LOT of resolutions (lose weight, spend time with family, make more money, go on a vacation, cure cancer, etc. etc.).

3. I don't think I like resolutions because I never seem to resolute them. (I don't know if that word works there but it sounds cool).

My beautiful and loving grandmother (Mimi) went to be with Jesus this past weekend, and it has made me do a lot of thinking. It is strange that so many people are making plans to better their life when others have just finished their last breath.

Life keeps on going. The sun keeps on showing up each new morning just to come back again the next day. And when each new day comes, what are we doing to get the most out of it?

Resolutions are great. It is important to set goals for ourselves so that we stay motivated and continue to grow. But I don't think they should all originate on January 1.

Each day deserves its own resolutions. Each moment we have is as precious as the last. What if we began our day, instead of worrying, by thinking about what we could do to make the most of the plans ahead of us?

When you have a really fulfilling day, what does it consist of? My guess would be that some (if not all) of that fulfillment came from spending quality time with a person you love.

Love is the single most fulfilling thing in the whole world. Without it, our resolutions are mute.

Want to lose weight? Think about how much you love those around you, and spend time with them. Think about how you want that time to be prolonged for as long as possible, and let that motivate you to be the healthiest version of yourself that you can be.

Want to take a vacation? Keep a picture of your family with you and let it motivate you to work with all your heart. And know that a trip to Paris isn't worth missing out on family time at home  while working late hours at the office. My family has some great memories in good ole' Austin!

As my family reflected on funny Mimi-isms this weekend, we talked about how even when she was in the hospital during her last few days, she kept looking at all the family surrounding her and saying her favorite line -  "Isn't this wonderful?!" She always found the good in any situation, and she always found it in the people she was with.

As January 1 passes and becomes March 5, June 26, September 29, I want my resolution every day to be about what I'm doing right now to enjoy the people I'm with during this very short but beautiful thing called life!

I love you Mimi. I bet you're using your favorite line A LOT in heaven right now.

Happy New Year!


  1. This is so beautiful, Taylor, and you're exactly right about focusing on quality time and *why* we want to make these resolutions and how we can make our life better day by day. I'm so sorry about your Mimi- she sounds like a wonderful person : ) We all need to seek reasons to use her signature line more often!

  2. Julie - thanks so much. You are so sweet and I appreciate you!


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