I don't typically like to engage in political discussion. I think it is oftentimes polarizing and can do more damage than good. I do, however, know that politics are important, and that government is capable of implementing policies for the good of our society. And with individualization becoming more and more of an issue, I am finding it increasingly important to develop my own viewpoints. On June 26, 2015, my husband and I celebrated our five year wedding anniversary, and I couldn't be happier about it. We met almost 10 years ago, and I locked him down as soon as I could. He's the best there is. The morning of our anniversary, we had fun sharing pictures commemorating our times together with the world of social media, but why wasn't anyone "liking" them (insert gasp here)? Everyone's attention seemed to be elsewhere. After scrolling through our newsfeed for 0.2 seconds, we soon realized that we would be sharing our anniversary with the legalization of...