The Truth About God

You know that one time when you drank too much, and you said you'd never do it again, and then you did? Well, I am super patient with you. You could do it a million times and I'd still love you the same. (But that's probably not a good idea).

And that one time when you said harsh things to your friend about who he's chosen to love? It was upsetting to me, but I still want to be kind to you. And to your friend, as well.

Remember that financial decision you made that put you and your family in a real crunch? I could have said "I told you so!" but instead I want to help you clean up the mess.

Sometimes you argue with your brothers about what it takes to have a "righteous" relationship with me. That stuff wears me out. I'm not a proud God who insists on doing things by the rules. Seek me with your whole heart, even if it looks different than what your neighbor is doing.

I remember one time, you had a hard time finding me. You said things about me that were foolish and untrue, but I will never use that against you. Your name to me is unblemished.

When you talk to me, I don't want it to be a one-sided conversation. I want to hear your thoughts and feelings, and I want to encourage you to walk in the direction of your deepest desires.

That horrible day you had last week? Where you snapped at your husband, helped spread a rumor about one of your friends (I know, I know, you were only telling ONE person!), stubbed your toe and let out a creative string of expletives, and decided not to go to church the next morning? I wasn't even angry. It takes a LOT to get me going!

Oh, and that last part... I don't really "remember" it... because I don't even keep a record of your wrongs.. so forget about that part...

I do remember your sweet friend who left us all too early. Her passing had nothing to do with your lack of faith or prayer. You can't see it now, but this will one day be used for good. As for me, I mourn her earthly end but am rejoicing that she is by my side in Heaven.

When you're walking through periods of uncertainty in your life, like not knowing where your next paycheck will come from, or healing from a tough relationship, I will protect you.

You have many amazing talents that you downplay in your life, but I trust in your ability to succeed in whatever you choose to do.

I see the great plans you have for you and your family, and I share your hope that you will have a happy, healthy home for all the days of your life.

And even when it seems like those plans are unraveling, I am always by your side, and together we will always persevere.

My love for you never fails.


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.


  1. I love this, Taylor. Beautiful reminder of His unconditional love, forgiveness, and strength for each of us. Thanks for sharing.


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