Apple Hypnotics

Did you know that Steve Jobs wanted Apple packaging to be so beautiful that no one would want to throw it away?

I believe it! In fact, I have a few boxes from my various Apple gadgets lying around just because I feel like I should do something useful with it!

That's pretty impressive.

I think Steve Jobs was a genius, and I am very grateful for his work. It is inspiring.

I am convicted, though, about how dependent I have become on his products.

Scott and I walked in the Apple store today, and it took me about 1.3 seconds to determine that I NEEDED everything I saw - even the accessories I had never seen before. They were now essentials!

I was convinced I needed a new computer and spent a while clicking every icon on the new MacBook. After my eyes started to glaze over, I kind of jolted back to reality and realized that the one I have works just fine.

I read a statistic the other day that said if your family owns two cars, you are richer than 90% of the world.

My computer may not hold a charge unless it's plugged in, but it still does what I need it to. And I am going to choose to be content with that.

Last week I was watching the Rangers game with some friends. I looked up when I realized that no one was talking and saw that everyone was on some electronic device, including myself!

It kind of hit me then. I started to realize how much time I spend on my phone or computer or other jigamabob, even when I'm with really great people.

People are too great to waste. Every person I'm around has something to offer, and I don't want to waste a single minute of my time with them.

I am challenging myself to put my phone away completely when I'm with others.

There's a restaurant in LA that offers 5% off your total bill if your table will check their phones in at the door. What a cool idea! It actually hurts the restaurant a little financially, but they are enabling their guests to have a much richer experience when dining with them. (What does it say about our society that initiatives like this are being put in place?)

JBR, I've been seduced by sexy technology, and I've got to make a conscious decision every day to put real people before robots.


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