$4 and a Box of Cupcakes

I was going to write this post as a story from one of my friends, but I think you could figure out by the cupcake part that it's me, so I'm not going to hide it.

If you are reading, please know I am recounting this experience because of the tremendous impact it had on me, and not to flaunt a good deed. I wish stories like this were a frequent occurrence in my life, but as of now they are a rarity. This was a gift that God gave me, a brief moment where He allowed the love in my heart to direct my actions.

Yesterday I met Lyn. Today I call him my brother.

I left work with a box of cupcakes, hoping to give them to some of my friends at the coffee shop when I met up with my husband. Come to find out, he had relocated to the bookstore (surprise!) and wanted to meet up for dinner.

I was oddly upset that I couldn't give my cupcakes to anyone now, and I definitely didn't need to have a 5th cupcake that day.

Oh well, I guess I'll just throw them out.

So I headed over to meet Scott, and on the way I noticed a man on the side of the road for the second time that week. He was an elderly man holding a cardboard sign that said "I need a job, PLEASE!"

I said a prayer for him in my head as I passed by and started thinking about the yummy dinner Scott and I were going to have at Cane's that night (Chicken, chicken, chicken, what box are YOU pickin?) And then I glanced down at my box of cupcakes. For 1/100th of a second, I had the thought to take the cupcakes to the man on the side of the road.

I tried to shake the idea because now it was out of the way, it was Texas hot, and I was hungry for some chicken.

But I was already going to be early to meet Scott and I just couldn't find a good reason not to turn around. So I did.

I pulled in to the parking lot that backed the street he was on and started to approach the elderly man. I said a brief prayer for my safety just in case he was crazy and kept walking.

As soon as he saw me, he started walking towards me. I noticed quickly that this man had many health problems. His face was misshapen and he had a sock covering each hand. It looked like they were withered. His white shirt was drenched in sweat from standing for who knows how long in the hot sun.

He didn't say anything to me but just stood with hopeful eyes as I tried to figure out what to say.

"Hi! My name is Taylor. What's your name?"


He spoke very softly and with a stammer.

"I really wish I had a job to offer you, and I'm sorry I don't. I do have some cupcakes. Would you like them?"

"Cupcakes? Cupcakes! Yes, thank you."

He took them sheepishly from me and looked like he wanted to say more.

"Would it be ok if I prayed for you to get a job?"

"Yes, yes. Oh, yes."

I put my hand on his shoulder and prayed a short prayer.

"God, thank you for my friend Lyn, and for how much you love him. Would you please provide him with a job that will meet he and his family's needs. Would you also heal him of any pain in his body. Amen."

"Thank you."

A few beads of sweat rolled down his face, and I realized he didn't have any sort of water bottle with him.

"Where's your water?"

"Water? You've got water?!"

I tried to remember if I had anything in my car, and then I saw the gas station right across from us.

"I do! I'll be right back."

I ran over to the gas station and wrestled with my mind and all of the thoughts that were fighting for my attention. One water bottle wasn't enough! It was 100 degrees outside.

Right at the gas station window, there was a display of water - huge cases of it for $2.99! It was like I had never understood how inexpensive this was, and yet what a luxury.

I asked the guy behind the counter to ring me up for a case of water, and one water bottle from the refrigerator.

"That'll be $4.06."

I swiped my card without even thinking about it and hauled the water back over to my friend. He almost ran towards me as he saw what I was doing.

"You bought a whole case?"

I gave him the cold water bottle and kept lugging the case to his spot. He started pulling the socks off his hands and asked me to let him carry the case.

I told him no, I was happy to carry it, and he asked me to put it in his car. So I followed him to his old, beat up thing of a car and could feel the joy coming from his heart. His excitement kept his hands from working even more as he fumbled around with his keys.

"Thank you. Thank you!"

I could tell he was overwhelmed. And in my heart, I knew what I wanted to say.

"I love you, brother."

And after a brief pause, he looked at me and said

"I love you too."

And with that, we parted ways. Lyn looked back once and crawled into his car. It seemed he had gotten what he needed for the day.

I headed to my car with tears in my eyes and realized I got what I needed, too. A reality check.

$4 and a box of cupcakes is all it took to make someone's day.

I started driving back to Cane's and thanked God for allowing me to be a part of something so special. I feel like I gained more from it than even Lyn did. I got to pause my crazy life and do something that really counted. And I felt more joy in my heart than I had felt in a long time.

We all have something to give to that someone in need. And the giving will probably bless you more than it does them!

What does your box of cupcakes look like?


  1. Great story Taylor! It always feels so good to bless others! Miss y'all!


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